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Publish a Snap

Snaps are npm packages, so publishing a Snap is as simple as publishing an npm package. Refer to the npm CLI documentation for details on publishing to the public registry. The following details are specific to Snaps:

  • The version in package.json and snap.manifest.json should match.
  • The repository.url field in package.json should match the correct repository for your Snap.
  • The source.location.npm.packageName in snap.manifest.json should match the name in package.json.
  • The proposedName in snap.manifest.json should be a human-readable name and should not include the words "MetaMask" or "Snap."
  • The image specified in iconPath in the manifest file is used as the icon displayed when installing the Snap, in custom dialogs, and in the settings menu.
    • This icon should be a valid SVG.
    • The icon will be cropped in a circle when displayed in MetaMask; you do not need to make the icon circular.

After publishing the Snap, any dapp can connect to the Snap by using the Snap ID npm:[packageName].


If you are using the Snap monorepo project generated in the quickstart, make sure to only publish the Snap package in /packages/snap. You can use the Snaps Simulator to verify that your Snap was published correctly — just select localhost in the top right corner and change the Snap location to npm and the ID of your Snap.

Also, make sure to update the manifest file, icon file, and README to differentiate your Snap from the template.

Make a Snap available to users

After publishing a Snap, you can make it available to MetaMask users by getting your Snap allowlisted. Once allowlisted, anyone can install your Snap in the MetaMask extension.